
1000 LinkedIn Followers!
We are excited to announce that One Stop Consult has reached 1000 followers on LinkedIn! This milestone demonstrates the power of networking and the importance of providing excellent and competitive service.
Development Finance
Development Finance If you’re a developer looking for finance for your next project, we can help with making the right choice regarding funding to suit your needs. We work with a wide network of lenders offering
Passivhaus Construction
Good afternoon, We hope you are keeping well and warm in this cold 🥶 snap. Here at #onestopconsult over the last 12 months we have had more and more clients looking into passive construction which is the way
Facilitating new projects
We are delighted to be appointed by New Meaning Construction to Facilitate Building Control & Structural Warranty Services with our partners. 🤝 New Meaning Construction are using the Beattie Passive Build System. 🏘 We have a couple of instructions that are now live which is just fantastic and we are really looking forward to working with this […]