Passivhaus Construction

Passivhaus Construction

Good afternoon,

We hope you are keeping well and warm in this cold 🥶 snap.

Here at #onestopconsult over the last 12 months we have had more and more clients looking into passive construction which is the way to go.

We are excited to be on that transitional journey into the unknown with our clients. (well not unknown just introducing and passing the knowledge transfer, we work together to get the best results)

Interestingly, during 2022 we were already doing it; introducing builders 👷‍♂️ developers 🏘 and investors 🏦 to Beattie Passive who we have been working with closely over a number of years.

Not forgetting existing domestic homeowners giving advice and upgrading cavity wall insulation , loft insulation , glazing, anything to help people, this is what we do!

As you are all aware we have been in an energy crisis for quite some time and inflation is taking it’s toll on everyone.

The knock on effect is widespread affecting many of us.

So what do we do about it❓️

Build homes fit for purpose❗️

Fabric First ✅️
Renewable Energy✅️
Battery Storage ✅️
Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery✅️
Triple Glazed Glass✅️
Air Source Heat Pump

There’s some basics for you to think about❔️❕️

The new government policy announced last year is to achieve net zero carbon in construction and its coming down the road fast🔜.

In order to meet this developers are going to have to look at passive construction; it’s really the only answer.

Passive is perfect for the UK climate!

Utilising the mechanical ventilation heat recovery system, you can maintain the temperature you want in your home, so in the summer it can be nice and cool and in the winter it can be nice and warm.

Cleaner air too which brings great health benefits especially in regards to people who suffer with Asthma.

Please do get in touch if you want to explore options with your new developments , existing housing stock and advice; we can help or at least try!

We are here to Help and if we can’t we know someone that WILL. 😉

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