Looking at converting an existing commercial property into residential units?
Our team and service partners recently assisted a client who was looking to change use of a #commercialbuilding on an #industrial estate, into two new residential dwellings. As part of the process from #permitteddevelopment of converting such a building from commercial to #residential, there are conditions that must be met.
On this occasion, one condition was “A #noise assessment should be undertaken by a suitably qualified person to determine the extent of the existing noise sources in the area that could have a significant adverse impact on the proposed development, including traffic, plant and machinery from external sources and in particular from the commercial units in the existing business park”
We worked with the client to attain a #noiseassessment, which monitors the noise in the proximity of the site to assess the suitability of the site for #residential use & further advise the client on #glazing and alternative #ventilation strategies suffice to achieve appropriate internal and external noise levels.
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