Changes Applicable to New Build Dwellings Under L1A Changes

Changes Applicable to New Build Dwellings Under L1A Changes


I have pasted below a few key points which we are going to need to consider very soon as part of the building process !

Applicable to New Build Dwellings under L1A Changes

1. Achieve the Carbon savings of 31%

If the target dwelling has GAS heating …

1. Waste water heating recovery to ALL showers

2. Heating systems flow temperature is to be NO more than 55 degrees C

3. Photovoltaics – proportional to the ground floor area (e.g. 50m2 GFA will require 3kWpeak solar panels equal to approx. 18m2 (assumed to SE/SW orientation)

4. Thermal elements U vales of:
Walls 0.18
Windows 1.2
Floor 0.13
Roof 0.11

Building Completion Requirements In Order To Finalise Certification:

1. ALL plots will need to be air tested.

2. As built SAPs require photographic evidence of insulation and plant installation specific to each plot

3. Photographic evidence and Home User guide (in set format) to be issued to the homeowner

Our team will also be doing a write up for our website at some point this week to keep everyone up to date.

Salus AI – thanks for the information you have shared, the changes are coming thick and fast. The difficulty will be getting the builders and Architects up to speed!
I feel a few CPD sessions in the making!

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